P.O. and Inventory Monitor™ Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard Systems
Gives you a closer follow-up view of critical materials. 2 Sizes: 16 or 34 rows
When production depends on the performance of outside vendors for critical materials, this board puts the controls in your hand. Use the 1" x 8" magnetic cardholders to post the most critical material purchase orders, or the ones that cause you the most anxiety (unreliable, new vendors, etc.). The 5 cardholder colors can show the priority, department requisitioning, etc. (or your code) and the 10 card-insert colors the material class, vendor, etc. This makes it quick and easy to scan the board and tell exactly where everything is, its status and its relationship to other items on the board. Includes card-keying template.
It's also a great communicator with your requisitioners, showing the status of their requisitions. A duplicate board in each requisitioner's office keeps the info in sight for dealing with their production teams.

Download your card-keying templates here.