Expanda-Panel® FullWall® Modular Timeline Project Track Schedules
Build a comprehensive line item schedule, any scale, expandable to any length, with a continuous left-to-right timeline. Ideal for intensive daily production scheduling. 3 or 4 ft. high. Complete systems, or design your own.
The hands-on Expanda-Panel® FullWall® is one of the most flexible scheduling systems available anywhere. Interchangeable panels create a left-to-right flow of information giving you a perpetual timeline so you’ll never run out of space to plan. Simply remove a panel once a time period has expired and reinsert it at the end of the timeline for future scheduling! You can use it as a comprehensive magnetic scheduler, a write-on whiteboard system, or both.
Choose from the ready-made systems below, which come complete with everything needed to operate them, or design your own Expanda-Panel® system complete with your choice of panel layouts and sizes. Standard whiteboard panel sizes are 35 or 47 inches high and come in widths from 12 to 46 inches. The panels are available with permanently printed grids to help you organize and sequence information.
Complete systems include: Plain or Printed panels, Wall Track, an OverRider® car with note panel (an additional panel in a rolling car that can be used for reference by sliding over the face and lineup of other panels in the system), A top-loading Card File for folded letter size papers, Rolling line finder/dateline cursor, and magnetic and dry erase supplies.
If you would like one of our experienced design specialists to help you select the right board kit for your requirement, Please Contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 (8-6, M-F, Eastern Time). No obligation. Our 49th year.
We use our Expanda-Panel® system to combine the arrival of packaging with the completion of our finished goods. When we unplugged the computers and went to this board-based system, it, along with operational changes, allowed us to run much more lean.... It cut our work in progress by fifty percent and saved us a whole bunch of money.
Production Scheduler — Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturer

How It Works
Learn more about this product.
Build your Expanda-Panel®
Configure the Size and Type of your PanelsSystem Preview
Panel Styles

Panel Specifications
Panel Height
Panel Width
Number of Panels
Grid Columns (Days)
System Includes
4 ExpandaPanel 1" Square Grid 35"h x 31"w
155 Inches of Single SlideTrack Set, K-type
1 ExpandaPanel date line cursor (XP3)
1 ExpandaPanel 9" CardFile
1 ExpandaPanel 1" Grid Supply Kit
1 ExpandaPanel OverRider Adapter
1 ExpandaPanel 12" OverRider Panel
1 ExpandaPanel 18" Notes Panel
Total System Price
- Overall width of system includes enough track for selected panels, overrider and card file panels plus an extra 2 inches on either end.
- Items can be removed from your cart later and track quantity can be adjusted accordingly.

Rows: | 92 Rows | Dimension: | 47"h x 217"w |
Columns: | 372 Days | ||
Panel Type: | 1/2" Grid | SELECT |

Rows: | 92 Rows | Dimension: | 50"h x 115"w |
Columns: | 168 Days | ||
Panel Type: | 1/2" Grid | SELECT |

Rows: | 46 Rows | Dimension: | 50"h x 115"w |
Columns: | 84 Days | ||
Panel Type: | 1" Grid | SELECT |

Rows: | 46 Rows | Dimension: | 50"h x 115"w |
Columns: | 42 Days | ||
Panel Type: | 1"x2" Grid | SELECT |

Rows: | 46 Rows | Dimension: | 50"h x 135"w |
Columns: | 52 Days | ||
Panel Type: | 1"x2" Grid | SELECT |

Rows: | 32 Rows | Dimension: | 40"h x 124"w |
Columns: | 93 Days | ||
Panel Type: | 1" Grid | SELECT |