Over 2300 Job-Specific and All-Purpose Magnetic Whiteboard Kits
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PolarBoards® Non-Magnetic Dry-Erase Economy MarkerBoards

6 Sizes. Plain white

Designed for moderate use with cleaning and care. Each board includes a write-on kit and factory-installed pen tray. The write-on kit includes an 8 oz. pump-spray board cleaner, 8 dry-erase pens and markers in 4 colors, eraser and large lint-free board wipes.

Note: Economy PolarBoards® are not magnetic. Like all non-magnetic whiteboards, if not cleaned regularly, they may build up marker ink stains and if used outdoors or in areas with significant humidity variations they can develop slight warping.

Plain White PolarBoards® are made with double-thick 1/4" hardboard. PolarBoards® do not have our MagnaLux® whiteboard porcelain-like steel surface or construction and are not recommended for intensive daily write-on use like our steel whiteboards.

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com
At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the symbol before adding the item to your cart
Product code: PLR
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What comes with this item

Qty: 1


Qty: 1

Set(s) of 4 Dry-Erase Bullet-point board markers, 4 colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue

Qty: 1

Set(s) of 4 Dry-Erase chisel-point board markers, 4 colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue

Qty: 1

Whiteboard Combination PandaBoard® Brand Felt Eraser and Pen-holder that magnetically clings to the steel board surface. Up to 4 pens clip into the eraser. Patented.

Qty: 1

8 oz. pump-spray bottle of PandaBoard® Brand Whiteboard Cleaner and Conditioner

Qty: 1

Pack of 5 large lint-free board wipes

1 - 41 @ $259
5 - 91 @ $254
10 - 241 @ $242
25 +1 @ $236
  • Plain White
  • h x w: 4' x 3'