31-Day Goal-Performance DailyTracker®
Double rows let you compare daily goals vs results for 16 staff, departments, locations, etc. plus month goals and changeable magnetic position numbers.
Assign goals and track actual performance each day for a month. Also show accumulated performance results day-by-day against accumulated posted goals (or any other combination you want). Immediately spot good performance and others needing attention, note trends and patterns and predict exactly what the performance result flow should be and will be by each person, team or work station.
Each name or line-item has 2 rows (1 open and 1 shaded) across 31 day columns plus columns for monthly revenue goal, total performance and remarks. Use the shaded row to post goals, then post the performance generated that day on the second line. There is also a column for posting position (with magnetic position numbers) if you want to make a contest out of it. Write on the dry-erase steel whiteboard in 4 colors and use magnets too!
For this system in 52-week format SEE 52-Week Goal Performance Tracker®.
Download your card-keying templates here.
Order Here
Capacities, sizes and optionsQuantity | Price |
One | 1 @ $1,349 |
2 - 4 | 1 @ $1,309 |
5 - 9 | 1 @ $1,267 |
10 - 24 | 1 @ $1,226 |
25 + | 1 @ $1,185 |
- h x w: 4' x 6'
- Names (rows): 16
- Board Option: BoldLyne Frame
- Frame Option: Silver