Skill and Talent Tracker® Staff Recruiting Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard System
Ideal where employee talent and skill is critical for job performance. See the status of your talent pool in each department with training levels, recruitment action and openings. 4 Sizes: 7 to 19 department columns for 85 to 600 positions
Successful staffing calls for identifying, finding, and recruiting trained or trainable people with natural skill, talent and desire to succeed in each specific tasking environment.
It's simple; when people are doing what they like to do, they will do it better and eventually grow to their talent limits. This displays each work area with the staffing goal, manager, associate with training and experience levels and with open positions, plus new recruits during initial orientation.

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com

At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the
symbol before adding the item to your cart

Product code: TAL
Ships in 5 business days or less!


At no extra cost you can replace the board's printed headings and title with your custom words. Click on the board # in the price list and follow "Modify Board" instructions.
Lines and board headings are heat-fused printed into the porcelain-like dry-erase magnetic steel whiteboard surface to stay like new for a lifetime of daily use.
Lines and board headings are heat-fused printed into the porcelain-like dry-erase magnetic steel whiteboard surface to stay like new for a lifetime of daily use.
Write the talent goal for your organization here with the included dry-erase pens (4 colors).

Magnetic 1" x 4" cardholders in 10 colors with card inserts in 10 colors for up to 100 color-combination codes. Use them to code talent (yellow = cashiers, etc)
Download your card-keying templates here.
Download your card-keying templates here.
3" x 4" magnetic cardholders to display photo of talent group manager. Trim photo to fit.
Magnetic 1/2" x 4" cardholders in 10 assorted colors for name or vacant position. Includes card inserts in 10 colors for up to 100 possible color-combination codes.
Hiring goal for this talent group.
Magnet 3/8" circle status signals in 10 colors to code training level, shift, or assignment locations, etc.