Over 2300 Job-Specific and All-Purpose Magnetic Whiteboard Kits
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FullYear® 12-Month BroadView Planner Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard System

Flexible year planning with room to tell your story. 6 Sizes: 2x3 ft. to 4x12 ft.

This FullYear® 12 Month BroadView Planning System visual tool for organizing your year's time and activities gives you a color-coded instant view of how your year is shaping up and performing. You can quickly see and compare activities, assignments, time opportunities and conflicts. It can be as detailed as you want it and flexible enough for any year picture. Do you have a big busy year? Well, this is the Planner for you. Whatever size you need. Quickly position the tasks you want to accomplish in the month blocks, then step back and see if the picture shows you are being too optimistic or have more time than you anticipated. You also visually share this process with your team who will consider it an invitation to offer their additional planning insights.

It comes with dry-erase supplies and optional 4" wide magnetic cardholders in 3 heights and 5 colors for grouping similar events (red cardholder = major goal, blue = supporting task, etc.) and 10 card colors which can group the event type (yellow = meeting, green = report, etc.).

If you would like some help from one of our experienced design specialists, please contact us or call us at 800 624 4154 or email us at sales@magnatag.com
At NO extra cost, Using our Design-it Editing tool, you can personalize titles and headers on your board. To access the tool look for the symbol before adding the item to your cart
Product code: MO
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Months heat-fused printed on the porcelain-like steel whiteboard, with magnetic month sets to resequence them.
At no extra cost, you can replace the printed headings of your BroadView 12-Month Planner with your own custom headings, or leave them blank. Click on the board # in the price list and follow the “modify board” instructions.
FlipOver® 2-Sided red-green magnet symbols let you quickly show Stop-Go or Do-Done® actions.
Dry-erase pens to write anywhere on the board in 4 colors.
3/8" magnet signals in 10 colors to show additional coding.
Kits include 4" long magnetic cardholders in 3 heights and 5 colors, with cards inserts in 10 colors.

Download your card-keying templates here.
Includes set(s) of 122 press-on 3/4" vinyl die-cut capital black letters and set(s) of 125 press-on 3/4" vinyl die-cut black numbers for title. (Removable, not reusable)

Price Chart - Order Here

Capacities, sizes and options
h x w
h x w
Magnets &
Dry-erase Tools
Dry-Erase Tools
2' x 3'5" x 8"SELECT
3' x 4'9" x 11"SELECT
4' x 6'21" x 11"SELECT
4' x 8'21" x 15"SELECT
4' x 10'21" x 19"SELECT
4' x 12'21" x 23"SELECT