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Value of Planning Ahead With Yearly Calendars

November 4th is recognized as National Stress Awareness Day here in the US. In an effort to celebrate the occasion, we've created a blog post that provides some insight regarding how to obtain a healthier, stress-free lifestyle. We hope you enjoy it!

Did you know that the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that people claiming to work 60 to 69 hours per week clocked an actual average of 52.6 hours, while those who believed they worked 70+ hour weeks actually averaged only 58.8 hours? It is difficult to accurately attribute this discrepancy to one particular source, however some theorists believe a lack of organization could be a leading factor in this misjudgment.
1. arrange into a structured whole; order. "organize lessons in a planned way"

Having a sense of structure in your life is an essential key to leading a successful lifestyle and the most efficient method of maintaining said structure is by staying organized. This relationship between structure and organization rings true for nearly everyone—as we become more accustomed to living an organized lifestyle, individuals instinctively become hyper-aware of their surroundings, making us more proficient and effective—it is just that simple. One of the best ways to stay organized is by planning ahead with the use of a yearly calendar or agenda. Planning ahead offers a myriad of incentives that can ultimately help improve your standing at the office and home!

The most prominent notion behind planning ahead is that it improves upon your time-management skills. The more you concentrate on time itself, the greater number of total tasks you can perform on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. Ideally we will find ourselves getting in a routine, checking our schedules for appointments and free time, and thereby adding a sense of perspective to our day. A great example of using this technique to your advantage would look at how you spend your free time; if you know a specific time of the year is busy (be it workflow or holiday), you can attempt to structure your schedule around the rest of your plans to avoid any conflictions you may come in contact with.

Planning ahead also helps serve as a more efficient way to visualize information. By using technologies like dry erase calendars and task managers, you can quickly view your entire workday at a glace, offering you a visual representation of the day’s workload. Visualization helps in sorting and prioritizing your workload in an efficient manner, leaving you in control of filtering out the most crucial elements of your day. As we become better at visualizing our schedules, we inherently become more aware of scheduling conflicts and how to avoid them.

According to a study conducted by The Journal of Occupational Psychology, people that exhibited a more profound grasp on the concept of time often experience less stress in comparison to those that lack structure. Using university student as samples, researchers also reported psychological well-being, optimism about the future, and less depression as traits commonly associated with exceptional planning and organizational skills. So in short, it has been proven that being organized ultimately results in living a healthier lifestyle.

One mention of staying organized that we have yet to discuss is it’s overall effect on productivity. It should come as no surprise that being organized helps aid in productivity; planning ahead creates opportunity to be prepared, which then results in time being saved throughout the day, creating more opportunities to become productive. In a business sense productivity is great—it can lead to a wealth of success and is considered to be a staple of economic growth.

Rather than treating organization as a choice in personal conduct, we should be encouraging this behavior as much as we possibly can. Companies and their employers should view productivity and organization as a means for growth; all of this starts with planning ahead. Planning ahead incentivizes individuals to become more productive, while simultaneously improving upon the conditions of one’s life.

You can improve the productivity of your company today with Magnatag Visible Systems. Visit our website to view an entire selection of dry erase scheduling kits that can help you begin your journey to living a healthy and productive life.
Further Reading:
Feather, N. T., & Bond, M. J. (1983). "Time structure and purposeful activity among employed and unemployed university graduates". Journal of Occupational Psychology, 56, 241-254.

