Magnatag InSight

The whiteboard and how it helps us brainstorm, innovate, motivate and create.

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GSA, Government and Military

Blog posts that relate to GSA, government and military fields or case studies conducted with our government or military customers.

How Emergency Response Teams Are Using Magnatag Products To Communicate Critical Information

In the wake of the horrific aftermath of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, residents of Brandon, Mississippi, were left with a permanent mark on their consciousness, reminding the community of the devastation that resulted in over 1500 fatalities and 108 billion dollars in damages. Even for those that have been able to put Katrina’s devastation behind them, the fears still remain buried deep underneath, reemerging with each announcement of an inbound weather warning. It’s a reaction that has sparked somewhat of a movement for the city, with Mayor, Butch Lee, assembling a Community Emergency Response Team (or CERT) to help educate and prepare citizens in the event of an emergency response scenario.
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Q&A With a Visual Systems Specialist: Taking Command of Your Meetings

What’s one thing you find most customers are looking for when they contact a member of our sales team?
I’d have to say that a lot of times people will take a look at either our catalogue or our online web presence and ask for help. We offer so many products that I think it can be overwhelming at times to find a system that works for you. That’s a large part of the role I play as a Visual Systems Specialist; my job is designed to assist companies when it comes to the intricacies involved with visualizing information. Having accessibility to someone with a collective understanding of our products and the problems they alleviate is a huge benefit to many of our customers.
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What Proven Tech Helps Members Of The US Military Prepare?

Before the days of smartphones and GPS monitors, we relied on maps to help us navigate the unknown. There was never a need for accessories or an extra set of laser pointers due to the hands-on nature of a physical map. Nowadays, finding your way around the world takes a matter of seconds with the help of computer programs and other tech friendly navigation tools. Yet at Magnatag, we still find a large majority of our customers relying on the pragmatic nature of physical maps to help accomplish tasks on an extremely large scale.
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Importance of Tracking & Scheduling Training in the Workplace

In order for a production facility to perform up to its full potential, every employee needs to know what they have to do, where they have to be and the progress that needs to be made within the time allotted to meet goals and expectations.

Using Whiteboards to Streamline Training Processes
You could say that whiteboard systems are a critical part of the faculty, as it can be organized to schedule, manage and train. Yes, train - often an overlooked aspect of manufacturing, it can also be optimized to give everyone a clear, concise picture of the training program that you're implementing. Having a set visual system to clearly define qualifications is an essential tool for communication and improving efficiency in the workplace.  Once properly implemented it can be a key source for feedback, communication and relevant discussion to promote continuous learning among employees.
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