- 1. It encourages collaboration and ensures that the school’s mission and goals are aligned among administrators and teachers. By recording and showing progress, it allows administration to keep track of how the students are progressing individually and as a whole.
- It helps to allocate resources and execute strategies as a group for students who need one on one instruction, group instruction or extra attention before exams.
- Because it is “always on” and always available to view, a whiteboard is a constant reminder to administrators and staff of how their students are doing in specific subjects.
- A whiteboard allows administration to group students by subject, grade, progress, testing and behavioral issues. The color-coding system (red, yellow and green magnets) is easily understood and shows immediately how the school is doing.
As an educator, it is important to keep up with technology and the latest advances in software; however, considering a hands-on, visual tool for your team to collaborate could help communication and the execution of strategies in your school. Administration and staff need to communicate and collaborate effectively in order to successfully work toward the school’s mission, goals and objectives.