Absenteeism Tracker® Magnetic Dry-Erase Whiteboard System
Motivate attendance with peer pressure. Show the cost of absenteeism on team or staff performance without focusing negative attention on individuals. 2 Sizes: for 12 to 24 absences daily
This board focuses the impact of manpower shortages and attendance percentages on your team's total production capacity. It harnesses peer-pressure to quickly improve your overall attendance rate and translates team pride into improved bottom-line performance.
The magic is that each absence is documented in color, can be compared to past performance and measured against current performance. It really works - it's uncanny! Give it a try!
Attendance used to be one our biggest problems - but this has really helped! We have one AttendanceTracker™ board for each shift in each department. It's the first board we update each morning - we post the information so other associates can see the number of absences...peer pressure takes care of the rest.
Sr. Production Supervisor — Belt & Hose Manufacturer